Marketing an Atlanta Commercial Office Space

Atlanta Commercial Office Space

The promoting and advertising of commercial office space, can be a considerable task. There are many aspects of any commercial office space in Atlanta that must be taken into account such as amenities, overall quality, and pricing. Each of these elements of commercial property marketing can have a direct impact on how well advertising and promotional efforts ultimately go. Keep in mind that even with a properly priced property, high quality amenities and upgrades, it is still necessary to “find” a tenant who will actually sign a lease and occupy the space.

Atlanta Commercial Real Estate

Promoting a commercial property by generating new leads requires a few basic and important strategies in order to achieve the best possible results in the Atlanta commercial real estate market. Attracting potential tenants requires making the space visible and known to the general public. Potential renters must be able to discover the property before it can ever be leased. Obviously, one of the best ways to accomplish this is through the online arena. There are many websites available online which are able to serve this purpose quite well.

Tell Your Story

In addition to sourcing the Internet for leads, well-placed signage at the property site can also generate considerable leads. Even personal networks can be utilized in order to find the ideal tenant for your Atlanta commercial office space. Equally important is to always try and “tell your story.” Making commercial office space in Atlanta interesting and intriguing can set a property apart from the competition. Showcasing of a property and pointing out the benefits and advantages of choosing your commercial space above the competition can go a long way in being successful.

Submitting Press Releases

Even creating videos to help people better understand the advantages of choosing your property is well worth the effort. Also it is a good idea to find other channels to get the message out. This can include submitting press releases and contacting the news media. Posting to a local blog is another great way to let everyone know that a property is available and ready for occupancy. Social media offers an excellent opportunity to promote or market Atlanta commercial real estate. Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are all popular options that offer great exposure for those with commercial properties for lease or sale.

Successfully Marketing an Atlanta Office Space

Always stay in touch with contacts, clients, and interested parties. Take full advantage of all marketing channels including social media, the Internet and even the telephone to reach out to those who have shown interest and remind everyone that you are available to answer questions or move forward with a lease. Contact Wiedmayer & Co. today to learn more about marketing, advertising and promoting your Atlanta commercial office space.